Publication of April 5th 2022 Research articleTransition pathwaysThe economic implications of a protein transitionThe protein transition, defined as the rebalancing between animal and alternative proteins in diets, is presented as a solution to mitigate the harmful effects of cattle production on the environment. We discuss the implications of such a transition on current livestock farms.Dairy sectorBeef meat sectorMeadows and pastureFeedProtein transitionEuropeEnvironmental footprintBelgiumWalloniaEconomic viabilityPathways
Publication of October 1st 2015 ReportTransition pathwaysResearch and organic farming in EuropeA report on the advantages of organic farming and level of research funding of organic farming in Europe. Paradoxically, high environnemental performances of organic farming are not triggering a significant investment in researchOrganic agriculturePolicyLiterature review
Publication of June 1st 2021 ReportTransition pathwaysAddressing barriers to crop diversification: 200 solutionsThe hereby report provides the solutions identified to address the barriers to crop diversification at each level of the value chains and further discuss the conditions for enabling shifts towards more sustainable food systems.Organic agricultureCereals sectorProtein cropsPotato sectorBeetroot sectorDiversityInnovationEuropeIntercroppingParticipatory processPathwaysTransition enablersAgroecology
Publication of October 12th 2021 PresentationTransition pathwaysPesticide reduction: Lessons learnt from the French and European experiencesReducing the use of pesticides has been on the agenda for decades. What can we learn from French and European pesticide reduction policies and implementation?PolicySustainability indicatorsInnovationAgricultural inputsEuropePesticidesFrancePathway dependancyLock-ins
Publication of July 8th 2021 Research articleTransition pathwaysTransitions in agriculture: organic, agroecological and conventional farmingA paper on the diversity of dynamics in agroecological systems by Dumont, Gasselin and Baret.Organic agricultureVegetable sectorBelgiumWalloniaPathwaysAgroecology
Publication of May 28th 2021 Research articleTransition pathwaysBridging the gap between the agroecological ideal and its implementation into practice. A reviewA paper on agroecology as an ideal and as a practice with some elements on the definition of agroecologyVegetable sectorParticipatory processAgroecology
Publication of April 22nd 2021 PhD thesisTransition pathwaysThe pursuit of agroecological principles by Flemish beef farmers: advancing towards a body of thought for sustainable food systemsThe thesis of Louis Tessier based on the Flemish beef sector. Is agroecology an option in this context ? Beef meat sectorFarmer agencyFlandersShort food supply chainEconomic viabilityAgroecology
Publication of February 18th 2021 BookTransition pathwaysThinking about the diversity of transition trajectoriesIn this chapter, we propose a framework elements to situate innovative approaches in the perspective of an agro-ecological transition. StrategiesFrancePathwaysAgroecology
Publication of April 13th 2021 CommunicationTransition pathwaysOngoing PhD : Pathways to reduce the use of pesticidesWhat are the main uses of pesticides in the Province of Luxembourg (Southern Belgium) ? How can we accompany actors from the agricultural sector to engage in pathways to reduce the use of pesticides ?Sustainability indicatorsAgricultural inputsPesticidesLiterature reviewLand use planningProspective scenariosEnvironmental footprintWalloniaParticipatory processPathway dependancyEconomic viabilityPathwaysLock-insTransition enablersAgroecology
Publication of October 5th 2020 ReportTransition pathwaysTowards a sustainable food supply for the city of Brussels : Opportunities in and around the urban contextHow self-sufficient is the city of Brussels today in terms of its food supply? To what extent can urban agriculture be developed to feed the population? What are the possible pathways for feeding Brussels in a more sustainable way?Organic agricultureVegetable sectorFruit sectorPotato sectorEggs sectorDairy sectorAgricultural land managementEuropeLand use planningProspective scenariosPeriurban agricultureBelgiumWalloniaPathways
Publication of July 17th 2020 Working paperTransition pathwaysCan prospective approaches ignite debate on the future of the agriculture and livestock sector?How do actors relate to prospective approaches? In this article, we analyze the responses of farmers' unions to the release of scenarios about the future of the livestock sector in Belgium.Eggs sectorDairy sectorBeef meat sectorPig meat sectorPoultry meat sectorMeadows and pastureSustainability indicatorsFlandersLand use planningProspective scenariosBelgiumWalloniaParticipatory process
Publication of June 9th 2020 CommunicationTransition pathwaysDefending AgroecologyHow can agroecology be defined? What are the issues and threats surrounding this new paradigm? An interview with Stéphane Parmentier and Philippe Baret written by Patrick Veillard and published in the SOS Faim - Défis Sud magazine in November-December 2016.AfricaPathwaysAgroecology