Research and strategic analysis

Our research team is dedicated to analysing food systems
and highlighting transition pathways

pictogramme modes de production

Production systems

pictogramme systèmes agroalimentaires

Food value chains

pictogramme trajectoires de transition

Transition pathways

Last publications

Our approach departs from three observations :

Environmental, social and economic aspects are strongly interwoven in the agriculture sector.

pictogramme environnement et société

Interdisciplinary methodologies are required for analysing and addressing the complex nature of food systems transitions.

pictogramme interdisciplinarité

Different interconnected spatial and temporal scales come into play in the transition dynamics.

pictogramme différentes échelles

Ten researchers dedicated to analysing food systems and transition pathways

    Our partners

    Our research work is funded by public and private actors
    such as regional institutions, European funds, non-governmental organizations and foundations.

    Agroecology In Action

    Région Wallonne

    Union Européenne

    SOL, Alternatives agroécologiques et solidaires

    Fonds Baillet Latour

    Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement

    Institut flamand de recherche pour l’agriculture, la pêche et l’alimentation


    Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique

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