
February 2nd 2024

Redefining the value of food – A EU policy review

How effective are current European policies in addressing negative externalities generated along our food value chains ? This papers delves into the reported impacts of EU agrifood policies that directly affect agricultural producers.


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This paper examines the impact of European Union (EU) regulations on socioeconomic and environmental externalities within the agri-food sector. 

As part of a broader evaluation, led by INRAe, under the EU FOODCoST project, it analyzes a selection of policies directly affecting producers, covering areas such as the use and management of GMOs, pesticides, fertilizers, fisheries, animal health and welfare, and the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The findings, derived from a comprehensive literature review, expose the main policy instruments mobilized, their economic mechanisms, and their impacts on externalities within three domains: environmental, social and economic.

The whole report, presenting a systematic evaluation of public policies contributing to the internalization of externalities in the food systemss -including at processors, retailers, and consumers levels- at the scale of the European Union and in four specific countries is available on the EU repository CORDIS.

Fore more info about the FOODCoST project:

This analysis lays the foundation for exploring the actual outcomes and implications of current policies on externalities in the EU food and agricultural sectors.



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