LEAP Conference (Oxford) : Sytra’s presentations on the bovine sector
On 25 January 2023, Sytra will give two presentations at the LEAP conference : (1) Economic implications of a protein transition: evidence from Walloon beef and dairy farms; (2) Accounting for diversity while assessing sustainability: insisghts from the Walloon bovine sectors.
Livestock productions face significant challenges and a transition towards more sustainable livestock systems is necessary.
At the LEAP conference, through an analysis of the Walloon (Southern Belgium) bovine sectors, we explore the following elements :
- Why it is important to account for diversity when assessing the sustainability of farming systems.
- An in-depth analysis of the economic performances of bovine farms, especially in a protein transition context.
These findings are based on recent publications (one projet report and one peer-reviewed article). The conference presentations will be updated after the conference.