From Policies to Practices: An Agroecological Approach to Transition
A conference on agroecology
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Full presentation
In his KOSMOS lecture “From Policies to Practices: An Agroecological Approach to Transition“, Prof. Philippe Baret will talk about the future of food systems from the perspective of agroecology.
From Policies to Practices: An Agroecological Approach to Transition
09.10.2024, 18.00-19.30
HU Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, Senatssaal
Agroecology offers a framework to rethink agriculture within the broader context of food systems and proposes a pathway to reconcile agricultural practices with environmental dimensions. This KOSMOS lecture argues that reconfiguring agricultural practices requires a transformation of dietary patterns and the evolution of environmental policies. Elements of intermediation between policy and practice, such as agricultural advisory services, value chains, and territorial policies, are essential to develop multi-level governance dynamics towards a sustainability transition.
Moderation: Peter H. Feindt, Professor of Agricultural and Food Policy at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
About the lecture series
The KOSMOS Lecture Series is a joint initiative of Open Humboldt – the “contact zone” at HU Berlin for more exchange between science and society – and IRI THESys. On two evenings per semester, researchers from a wide range of disciplines talk about anthropogenic environmental and climate change in an understandable way and invite the broad public for discussion.
Entrance is free of charge.
More information:
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