Past event Workshop November 20th 2024 Transition pathwaysWebinar – Co-constructing the transformation of AECM support schemes in Wallonia and the Hauts-de-FranceParticipatory webinar on the challenges of agri-environmental schemes (AES) in Wallonia and Hauts-de-FranceCereals sectorMeadows and pasturePolicyStrategiesFranceWalloniaParticipatory processBiodiversityTransition enablers
Publication of February 28th 2025 ReportProduction systemsSeeds systems and varietal choices in organic vegetable productionA case study on seed systems in the vegetable organic sector, regarding small-scale farming in the French Alps. This research examines how the economic, technical, educational and social context influences the choices of farmers when choosing varieties and seeds.Organic agricultureVegetable sectorSeedsDiversitySmall-scale farmingFranceLock-insTransition enablersAgroecology
Publication of April 14th 2023 Research articleProduction systemsThe social cost of pesticide use in FrancePesticides are widely used in agricultural systems. In collaboration with the BASIC team in Paris, we published the first assessment of the cost of pesticide use for the budget of the French state. A scientific paper published in Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems (open access)PolicyPesticidesFrance
Publication of October 12th 2021 PresentationTransition pathwaysPesticide reduction: Lessons learnt from the French and European experiencesReducing the use of pesticides has been on the agenda for decades. What can we learn from French and European pesticide reduction policies and implementation?PolicySustainability indicatorsInnovationAgricultural inputsEuropePesticidesFrancePathway dependancyLock-ins
Publication of February 18th 2021 BookTransition pathwaysThinking about the diversity of transition trajectoriesIn this chapter, we propose a framework elements to situate innovative approaches in the perspective of an agro-ecological transition. StrategiesFrancePathwaysAgroecology