Publication of April 22nd 2021 PhD thesisTransition pathwaysThe pursuit of agroecological principles by Flemish beef farmers: advancing towards a body of thought for sustainable food systemsThe thesis of Louis Tessier based on the Flemish beef sector. Is agroecology an option in this context ? Beef meat sectorFarmer agencyFlandersShort food supply chainEconomic viabilityAgroecology
Publication of February 18th 2021 BookTransition pathwaysThinking about the diversity of transition trajectoriesIn this chapter, we propose a framework elements to situate innovative approaches in the perspective of an agro-ecological transition. StrategiesFrancePathwaysAgroecology
Publication of December 18th 2020 Research articleProduction systemsHow and to what extent are Flemish farmers pursuing the principles of agroecology ?How and to what extent the Flemish farmers are pursuing the principles of agroecology? A paper by Louis Tessier and colleagues in collaboration with ILVO.Beef meat sectorFarmer agencyFlandersStrategiesAgroecology
Publication of April 13th 2021 CommunicationTransition pathwaysOngoing PhD : Pathways to reduce the use of pesticidesWhat are the main uses of pesticides in the Province of Luxembourg (Southern Belgium) ? How can we accompany actors from the agricultural sector to engage in pathways to reduce the use of pesticides ?Sustainability indicatorsAgricultural inputsPesticidesLiterature reviewLand use planningProspective scenariosEnvironmental footprintWalloniaParticipatory processPathway dependancyEconomic viabilityPathwaysLock-insTransition enablersAgroecology
Publication of June 9th 2020 CommunicationTransition pathwaysDefending AgroecologyHow can agroecology be defined? What are the issues and threats surrounding this new paradigm? An interview with Stéphane Parmentier and Philippe Baret written by Patrick Veillard and published in the SOS Faim - Défis Sud magazine in November-December 2016.AfricaPathwaysAgroecology
Publication of April 24th 2020 Research articleProduction systemsPathways of action followed by Flemish beef farmers – agroecology as a practiceAgroecology is often brought up as an alternative development pathway for livestock systems. Yet, what does it mean in practice? In this article we find out by asking beef farmers themselves how they put agroecological principles into practice.Beef meat sectorFarmer agencyFlandersShort food supply chainBelgiumPathwaysAgroecology
Publication of December 21st 2017 PhD thesisProduction systemsWorking and employment conditions in market gardening: which agroecological transition?Do agroecology and organic farming offer better working conditions than conventional agriculture?Organic agricultureVegetable sectorBelgiumWalloniaParticipatory processEconomic viabilityAgroecology
Publication of November 1st 2017 Research articleProduction systemsWorking conditions in agroecological, organic and conventional market gardeningTo what extent do production systems differ in terms of working conditions? To what extent do agroecological production systems offer better working conditions than other systems?Vegetable sectorBelgiumWalloniaParticipatory processEconomic viabilityAgroecology
Publication of January 2nd 2016 Research articleProduction systemsClarifying the socioeconomic dimensions of agroecology: between principles and practicesHow can the lack of socioeconomic principles of agroecology in the literature be filled ? What are the distinctions between the theoretical principles of agroecology and their practical applications ? Vegetable sectorShort food supply chainParticipatory processEconomic viabilityAgroecology
Publication of July 31st 2009 Research articleProduction systemsHow agricultural research shapes a technological regime that develops genetic engineering but locks out agroecological innovationsThis paper shows how the concepts of technological paradigms and trajectories can help analyse the agricultural science and technology landscape and dynamics. Genetic engineering and agroecology can be usefully analysed as two different technological paradigms.InnovationPathway dependancyLock-insAgroecology
Publication of January 1st 2008 Research articleProduction systemsWhy are ecological wheat cultivars slow to develop? A ‘lock-in’ case studyThis article identifies twelve factors impeding wider adoption of multi-resistant cultivars. These factors explain why current wheat-cropping systems are maintained in a ‘pesticide lock-in’ situation.Cereals sectorInnovationBelgiumWalloniaPathway dependancyLock-insAgroecology