
April 24th 2024

Payment schemes for environmental services by farming

Project aiming to clarify the theoretical concepts and best practices regarding payment schemes that reward farmers for environmental services. Project funded by the Walloon Public Service (SPW) as part of the Terraé action plan.


The Walloon Public Service (SPW), as part of its action plan for agroecological transition – Terraé, commissioned a study from Climact and Sytra (UCLouvain). The objectives of the study, carried out between October 2022 and June 2024, are twofold :

  1. To clarify the theoretical foundations related to these payment schemes to better understand how they work and grasp the main issues and challenges.
  2. To establish a methodological guide that ensures the scientific and ethical credibility of these schemes.

Results are available in two reports (French) and an executive summary (English).


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