Publication of February 28th 2025 ReportProduction systemsSeeds systems and varietal choices in organic vegetable productionA case study on seed systems in the vegetable organic sector, regarding small-scale farming in the French Alps. This research examines how the economic, technical, educational and social context influences the choices of farmers when choosing varieties and seeds.Organic agricultureVegetable sectorSeedsDiversitySmall-scale farmingFranceLock-insTransition enablersAgroecology
Publication of October 31st 2023 PhD thesisProduction systemsExploring Intercropping in Market Gardening : A story of combinationsA PhD thesis on intercropping between vegetables, in the context of small-scale market gardening, mobilizing an exploratory approach combining on-field trials in experimental station and on-farm participatory trials. Vegetable sectorIntercroppingSmall-scale farmingWalloniaParticipatory processAgroecology
Publication of July 4th 2023 MSc thesisProduction systemsOpportunities for vegetable seed production in WalloniaThis Master thesis aims to shed light on the seed sector in Wallonia, and more specifically on the production of open-pollinated seeds of vegetable varieties.Organic agricultureVegetable sectorSeedsPlant breedingInnovationEuropeSmall-scale farmingBelgiumWalloniaBiodiversity
Publication of May 4th 2021 PresentationProduction systemsSurvey on seed choices in the organic vegetable sector in the Walloon RegionA survey to identify the main varieties used for vegetable production in the Walloon Region and to highlight the needs in terms of varietal selection and supply of plants and seeds.Organic agricultureVegetable sectorSeedsFarmer agencySmall-scale farmingBelgiumWalloniaBiodiversityLock-insTransition enablersClimate changeAgroecology